Tom Hicks - Conservationist & Adventurer

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Collecting climate data whilst pulling 100kg

Climate change is a threat to all life on earth. Scientists have, for many years, plotted and traced the impacts climate change is and will have on our world.

The Arctic is the region most at risk from the persistence in a rise of temperature. Why? Simply put, the ice sheet acts as a mirror for warm air to reflect off the atmosphere and back onto the ice, creating a thermal zone of warmer and warmer air. The fight to halt climate change relies on a deep understanding of the issues at play both from a scientific and general perspective.

Through my expedition to the North Pole in April 2021, I will recording measurements of snow depth, water temperature (when open water is available), snow temperature and air temperature.

The binary nature of state measurements, i.e. frozen / not frozen / deep / not deep is not representative of the true nature of the states which those elements will exist. Thus, I intend to measure temperature of water, snow and the air to understand how the environment will change.

An example will be if we have a deep snow measurement, but the outside air temperature and snow temperature is that likely to cause melt, the deep snow measurement is not a true reflection of the environmental state.

The data collected will be used to form a piece of research that has a very specific purpose; inspire those who read it to act for the betterment of the environment. The research will be conducted in-situ on the frozen Arctic Ocean and the findings will be supplemented with imagery from the expedition.

This year I have highlighted ways in which you, yes you(!), have the ability to make a difference. We don’t need to wait for officials to tell us to act, or to wait until it is too late.

The data I collect will, it is very likely, highlight the urgent need for change at all levels of consumerism and production. A transition from linear economic models to those that are cyclical.

These changes, sadly, will take time. Changes in our everyday lives need not. You can take a stand, act and help rectify the savage changes we are inflicting on the earth.

The question we need to ask is this - do we want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?

The choice really is within your power to make. I know which i’d like to be a part of