North Pole - An unsupported, last degree attempt

The expedition to the North Pole has been postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions on travel and now the conflict in Ukraine.

I’ll be completing an unsupported trek to the geographic North Pole in aid of the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation. Our expedition has been tasked with collecting valuable climate data for the Scientific Exploration Society. We’ll begin from our basecamp at Barneo in the Arctic Circle.

This trek is not just about personal challenge. My core goal is to use the trip as a vehicle to promote conservation.

To become real, effective and universal in reach, conservation needs to fuse science with commercial interests. Happily, public opinion is slowly shifting on the climate issue and it’s taking the marketplace with it.

The only way we’re going to reach our global climate targets, is for environmentalism and capitalism to walk hand in hand into a greener future.

We need to be realistic. With its intrinsic knowledge of marketing and persuasion, the commercial sector is perfectly placed to influence public opinion in a practical and meaningful way.

With this in mind, the trek will raise money for the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation by raising the profile of a few planet conscious, commercial partners who represent the very best their sector has to offer.

There are unusual marketing opportunities here for progressive corporations and green minded individuals who want to authentically boost their green credentials through the creation of bespoke, targeted content. Choosing these partners is a highly selective process.

Apparel and equipment will be tested and reviewed in the context of the frozen Arctic ocean and the North Pole, offering a robust and engaging campaign for companies with a product to field test or promote.

Upon return, I’ll be appearing at corporate events with my sponsors to add contextual insight into the marketing and multimedia content from the expedition. These talks will highlight the synergy between the brands, the Arctic and wildlife conservation by creating engaging, cyclical projects that are advantageous for all.

If you’re interested in being involved in the trip, please get in touch.

I can imagine few things more trying to the patience than the long wasted days of waiting.
— Robert Falcon Scott