Be the hero. Your time is now…

Just like in the movies, the world needs saving and you’re the one to do it.

​Growing up we all had dreams and fantasies about being a superhero, whether it was inspired by films or comic books - we all viewed world saving superheroes as idols.

Even now, 3 of the top 5 grossing movies from 2019 were about superheroes. Grossing a combined total of over $505,800,334.00. So it is not overly assumptive, therefore, to say that a superhero saving the world is still one of our favourite story lines.

What if we all realised that, in actual fact, that the world does need saving. Admittedly not from an evil genius or an extraterrestrial invasion, the threat is far more dangerous than that. The threat we are facing is the total destruction of our wildlife and environment that will eventually lead to the world becoming uninhabitable.

But, we have the superhero capabilities to save the world from this demise. We do, because it's YOU. You have the ability to save the world.

You may now be asking, how? How do I have that ability? That problem is far too big for me to fix. Well, what if I told you that saving the world starts with the simplest thing in your life.

Don't eat a lot of meat? Try only eating meat on weekends and if that is easy, try going vegetarian or vegan.

Live and work in a city? Try only using a car once a week and public transport the rest of the time.

Own your own home? Change up your heat source to a renewable one.

Some disposable income? Invest in the renewable energy sector, in businesses such as Eco Wave Power.

Pick the easiest thing that would help fight the climate crisis and do it. To borrow the phrase from Tesco - 'Every Little Helps'. We don't need a cape wearing superhero we just need to act and it doesn't need to be hard. If everyone in the UK did one thing, that's over 66 million positive steps against the climate crisis.

So pick something and do it, whatever it is. Be the superhero the world needs.

My expedition to the North Pole is partnering with climate scientists and renewable energy companies to show the tangible impacts carbon related lower-atmospheric warming is having on the Arctic. The expedition needs your support to realise its ambitions. Supporting me and the expedition can be another positive step you take to save the world.


Armchair conservation. It works…