Do you feel compelled to act?

We all know that shifts in our behaviour, both at work and at home, are needed for us to truly achieve a sustainable relationship with the environment. So, are we moving in the right direction?

It is a difficult question to answer, as it often leads to inaction through confrontational interactions. The blame game is one that is played out regularly and to little effective improvement.

So, when you were last encouraged to alter your consumption, behaviour, or practices what was your first reaction?

Hint: your reaction determines your action.

To look at the science behind this process we can look as far back as Aristotle, who theorised the model for behaviour change, in brief, as follows: ‘efficient causes are triggers, events that bring about an “effect.”’

What does this mean? Well, Aristotle is exploring the causality of behaviour. In other words, what causes us to behave in a certain way. When looking at ‘efficiency’ in the triggers for a change in behaviour, we look at the effectiveness by which the trigger causes action. This, in my view, is where campaigners, communicators, and activists are missing the mark.

This is where you reaction can be determined, for better or worse.

The narrative around business-environment interaction is often anti-capitalist, anti-establishment, and confrontational. But it doesn’t need to be.

Businesses across the world are seeing growth and profit through pursuing positive interactions with the environment. Through green-marketing, ESG and businesses sustainability organisations of all sizes are seeing the benefits of ecocentrism.

I’m the first to acknowledge more needs to be done, but this cannot be used as an excuse for inaction.

How many individuals does it take to form a collective? We need large scale collective action to truly alter our relationship with the natural world for the better. However, if most of us are waiting for a collective to act, the response we’re waiting for may never come.

Now, if you have read my previous articles, you will know the benefits of placing ESG in your forward-thinking strategy and you will know the power of sustainable finance. But what I really want you to know is how it works best.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation partner with businesses in all sectors to empower their green marketing, enhance their ESG delivery and reporting, providing a strong value exchange for our partners.

Working with charities in this cyclical capacity allows for your action towards the betterment of the natural world and your business to be galvanised and or kickstarted.

So, have you thought about your relationship with the environment and your business?

Have you been disheartened by the narrative around action and inaction?

Given the right influences, would your business benefit from positive action towards the environment?

Then action is the answer and action through partnership is an even better answer!


Reformism Vs Revolution – How do we galvanise capitalism to be environmentally and economically profitable?