Go green to make money…

The green revolution is here. Don’t let your business fall behind.

You have a product that is unavoidably finite. You build not only your business but your lifestyle and the lifestyles of your family and friends to rely on this product; but the product will run out, soon.

Imagine sitting in a boardroom, a prospective business partner walks in and pitches this scenario to you with the caveat that in the time between now and the product running out you will make millions, potentially billions.

Would you invest?

What if another prospective partner walks in and tells you that they too have a product that will make you rich, have the advanced capability for you to build your life and the lives of your friends and family around it but with the caveat that it won't run out - ever. Would you invest?
In simple terms, this is the decision that we are facing, the choice between endless supply and demand or finite supply with endless demand. You wouldn't start up a vineyard if you were running out of grapes, would you? You would invest in ways of ensuring your grapes didn't run out first, surely?
So why are we seeing banks, businesses, entrepreneurs and investors (at all levels) choosing to back an industry that relies solely on a resource that will run out?

Happily 'going green' now has the capability to satisfy all desires for investment and growth. It is sustainable, ethical, financially viable and efficient. It is also making people money. Those with the foresight and ambition to build their business and lives around an unlimited, more efficient and cleaner foundation to their industries are now enjoying success and prosperity because of it.

It is now possible for us to tap into renewable energy (as I am sure you have guessed that is what this article is about) at a consumer level and production level. In the UK we now have the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and, from 2022, the Clean Heat Grant meaning the government will actually reimburse you for installing a system that will not only heat your home more efficiently but that also doesn't rely on a source of energy that will run out and before that create dangerous levels of pollution.

For conservation and environmentalism to become the norm, we must ensure that they are:

  1. Unintrusive & Ethical

  2. Financially Viable

  3. Affordable

  4. Reliable & Efficient

We are now at a stage where all of these are met and it only remains for the more business minded investors to take over from those persisting in backing a very lame horse set to fall at the final hurdle and take us down with it named Fossil Fuels.

My expedition to the North Pole is partnering with renewable energy companies and climate scientists to work together towards a greener future of energy consumerism and production. All it takes is action from you to achieve this future.


This rebellion is not for me…


Why trek to the North Pole?