Tom Hicks - Conservationist & Adventurer

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New Year, new planet

2020 is over, thankfully(!), and a New Year has dawned. If, like me, you gave yourself the weekend off before really cracking on with 2021 you may be sat at your desk thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions. Well, if that is the case permit me to add a little inspiration to your musings.

2021 is a year of hope; hope we leave behind 10 o’clock last orders, lockdowns, tiers and (potentially divisively) Brexit. But, what about the hope for our planet? What about adding a resolution to your roster that works to the betterment of Planet Earth and you.

Combining self-care and conservation has never been easier. There are a plethora of ways we can work cohesively with supporting ourselves and our planet.

How? Well, have you ever been told to eat more veg? Eating a plant based diet one day a week would save 100 Billion gallons of water a year and reduce carbon emissions by 1.2 Million tons. It will also contribute to your overall health. A plant based diet one day a week (not in place of a healthy balanced diet the rest of the week, mind!) is associated heavily with lower cholesterol levels, improved heart health and overall lower percentage of body fat.

If we all opted for public transport, bikes, walking or scootering (Lewis Hamilton style) for one day a week we would stop 100 Million metric tons of CO2 being pumped into the environment.

It would also mean our NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis) increases. NEAT is the largest contributor to losing weight and the key to a healthier and more active life.
If, like me, you’re feeling a little cold (ironic for someone planning to trek to the North Pole, I know) then you might be thinking about firing up your boiler more regularly. Well, what if I told you that if you switched to a sustainable Air Source Heat Pump the government will pay you back for the cost of installing it? It’s true! The Renewable Heat Incentive means the UK government will cover the costs of heating your home sustainably. It also means your home will warm up more efficiently and for longer, a win win win!

If you don’t want to go through the bother of a full heating replacement, why not switch energy providers to a 100% renewable option? Meaning when you turn a light on or charge your electric car you won’t be burning fossil fuels to do it. Companies like Octopus Energy can offer cost-effective and immediate sustainable energy to your home.

I am very happy to be partnering with Octopus Energy on my North Pole expedition to showcase the real and alarming impacts climate change is having on the Arctic but, just as importantly, the easy ways YOU can help.
So, there you have it. A number of ways your New Year’s Resolutions can benefit you and the planet. When you’re making your resolutions, give a thought to the planet, it’s never been easier to make a positive difference and you don’t need to be inconvenienced to do it!

If you’re interested in some more information on my North Pole Expedition, feel free to drop me a line or visit the links below.
Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and sustainable 2021