Tom Hicks - Conservationist & Adventurer

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If everyone in the room has the same opinion as you...

you’re in the wrong room…

Our planet needs our help. Whether it is conserving biodiversity, reversing ocean acidification or preventing an increase in carbon emissions there are a plethora of ways in which we can make a difference.

In my view, it is no understatement to say that the power to save the world is in your hands.Yes, you have that power. So do I. But, more importantly, we all have this capability.

I can assume that, as you subscribe to my emails, you are already an environmentally conscious person. I hope, also, by now you have made a commitment to do one thing (at least) that will work to the betterment of the planet and to you.

If you’re new to these emails I will let you off, but not for long!
So, the question that remains is: how do we engage those around us to take a stand as well?

My thinking on this has been influenced by my studies in wildlife conservation as well as one book in particular, Matthew Syed’s Black Box Thinking. The way to change people’s behaviour is not to blame or chastise them for their behaviours. In most cases, people do not use a diesel fuelled car because they hate dolphins or fly to Alicante on their holidays because they think the ozone layer looks better with a hole in it.
No, generally speaking, we are compassionate and empathetic beings just going about our daily rounds to the best of our ability.

So, how do we capitalise on our empathetic and compassionate tendencies?
Well, luckily for you it doesn’t have to involve a trek to the North Pole or through the Arctic Circle Trail. It can be much warmer and more comfortable than that.
The answer is simple, give them solutions. Like a lot of good business models, the most powerful tool you can sell is a solution to a problem. Don’t want to walk but can’t drive? Hello Uber. Want your favorite restaurant food but don’t want to eat out? Bonjour Deliveroo.
Want to do your bit for the planet but don’t know where to begin? Well, where do we start?
I tasked you earlier in the year to do the easiest thing possible that would work for you and the planet. Now, I am asking you to offer the solutions you found to your friends and family.
Giving them solutions to the climate crisis WILL get them engaged and inspire action.
No one likes the problem person at work but, we all like the solutions person. So, lets offer those solutions and get everyone we know acting to the betterment of the planet and themselves.
And remember; if everyone in the room has the same opinion as you, you’re in the wrong room. Lets get everyone involved, not just those already doing their bit.
Make it your goal for this week to get at least one of your friends or family member to make a pledge to the planet.