Blue Mondays…

Today, according to someone, is the most depressing day of the year. But, to me this is wrong. Surely, any day of the year can be the most depressing? It just depends on you, your environment and your mood.

There is no doubt, 2021 has the capacity to depress and bring down anyone’s mood, including mine! However, for me there is a remedy to 2021.
To combat the vicarious detrimental influence of a year like this (and 2020 for that matter) I feel setting and chasing a goal is hugely beneficial.

Having a target to align yourself towards means you can remain on a chosen path despite the pressures exerted by these ‘unprecedented times’.
The most important goal to me is to reach the North Pole. It is what has been driving me for over 2 years now, as well as my masters. I genuinely feel having a chosen target(s) helps me to keep going.

I wrote to you last week about the first step to effectively setting a goal. To get outside and find out what it is you want to achieve. Did you do it?
If not, maybe Blue Monday may well be the perfect day / evening to take a decisive step to telling the blues (and 2021) to….well you can fill in the rest!

To find out more about setting goals and my North Pole expedition, have a root around this website.

In the meantime though, take a breath and take it easy. It is Blue Monday after all!

P.s if you are struggling here are some links to explore. Don’t suffer alone. Help is out there:
Mind, Mental Health Foundation and The Samaritans


Inspiration is meaningless…


Does your goal setting actually work?