Inspiration is meaningless…

Last night I’m sure, like me, you were tuned into Sir David Attenborough’s ‘Perfect Planet’. The programme ended with an astonishingly powerful call to action and prelude to next weeks theme, the impact we are having on the planet.

Crumbling ice caps, burning forests, scorched koala bears and empty oceans were seen in the montage that was certain to stir something within the viewers.

The phrase ‘wow, that’s inspiring’ could be heard from the nations living rooms. But, what does that inspiration actually mean? Well, if you look at some of the original uses of the word ‘inspiration’ it comes from Greek Mythology and literally means ‘to breathe into’. Prometheus was tasked with creating man from clay and Athena, Goddess of wisdom among other things (which is mildly ironic), breathed life (inspired) into the figurines thus, creating humans.

To be inspired, therefore, is to give life to an idea, thought or, in this case, us. However, what happens if life does not come from our inspiration. If to be inspired is to be given life, what happens when inspiration isn’t acted on?
Prometheus’ clay figures would have stood stationary, lifeless, action-less.
If, like me, you were inspired by Sir David’s words and imagery you may have thought about taking action, giving life to a mission to become more environmentally aware.

If you don’t act, you have not been inspired. At best you have been mildly entertained. Inspiration is only as good as the actions that come after it. Therefore, is quantified by the amount of life that comes after your inspiration.

I work not only to give you a push to take action, I endeavour to give you immediate, actionable channels along which your inspiration can take flight.
This year I have written to you tasking you to create goals and get after them. This week I am challenging you to act on your inspiration from Sir David. Changing your energy supplier to a renewable energy source, going meatless on Mondays or ensuring your pension is invested in environmentally conscious way. These are all ways you can act on your inspiration today, without wasting it.

More to the point, if you don’t act. You’ll be letting Sir David Attenborough down and you really don’t want that guilt. Not on a Monday.

My North Pole expedition is partnering with environmentally aware businesses and brands to show how conservation of the environment is a sensible business decision. I will also be collecting data to showcase how immediate the impacts of climate change are in the Arctic. All to inspire you to take action and save the planet.

Don’t let Sir David down!


Collecting climate data whilst pulling 100kg


Blue Mondays…