Tom Hicks - Conservationist & Adventurer

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Does your goal setting actually work?

How 2021 can still be your year, in spite of the odds...

​I'm sure we have all seen those instagram posts about 'goal setting' or 'self-actualisation'; they're cheesy, uninspiring and, more importantly, misguiding.
Setting goals can be an incredibly powerful tool to getting you what you want. That promotion, that house, a new language or a heavier squat; whatever it is, writing down your goal, in an effective way, will enable you to work efficiently towards it.

My North Pole expedition prep has led me to build a step by step guide that allows you to set an effective goal. A goal that has the three key components needed for the goal to be attainable.

But, what is the first and most important step?

Finding out what it is you really want. Setting your destination, giving you direction for your process of getting after your dreams.

There are a number of techniques that can help you achieve this realisation. The most effective, for me, is to spend some time in a green or blue space - take a walk or a hike or a run through nature and focus your attention on what it is that makes you happy.

For me, rather unsurprisingly, I realised I wanted to stand at the most Northern point on earth; the North Pole. My destination was set, I then developed my three step guide to allow me to get after my goal.

So, today or this week I challenge you to have at least one goal written down after some introspection in nature. The benefits are incredible, not only for your effective goal setting exercise but your mental and physical well-being.
Get out in nature (in a COVID safe way of course) and set a goal. You are not too old, too busy or that one person it won't work for. It is never too late, you have the capacity to achieve something special this year. Just take that first step.

My three step plan is available on my website, where you will also be able to see all about the expedition.

I am on the brink of announcing publicly the incredible company who have come on board over the festive period. Giving the expedition an enormous boost towards a successful completion. It would not have happened without my three step plan, so I am confident it will work for you too.