Greenland postponed

I’ve said before, the outcome of an event is not dictated by the the event itself. Rather, it is your perception and subsequent reaction that does this.
This is all well and good when you need to use this once. It’s easy to have strong resolve on one occasion, it is far harder to do it repeatedly.

2020 and 2021 have tested us, constantly. Emotionally, physically and mentally we have all been under siege for over a year.

It is not a surprise to me that my training expedition, through which I was going to launch my partnership with a fantastic brand as well as develop my data collection, has had to be postponed.

However, after cancelling the North Pole season as well as two previously planned training expeditions it is more important than ever to alter my perception of negative events and, therefore, change the outcome.

The delay has many positives and my partners are incredibly accommodating of these changes however, there is no doubt that the persistent setbacks are a challenge.

I would say the best way to get through challenges and struggles is to have an objective outlook on it. To do this I write down what the challenge is and how I am perceiving it currently. This gives you an overview of your mental state when facing challenges.

It also allows you the opportunity to change your process and, as a result, get a better outcome.

I will now be heading to Greenland in October, which gives me time to train over the summer months and be ready to tear into a busy training schedule that will culminate with me standing at the North Pole in April 2022.

I’m not into the cliche sayings ‘diamonds are made under pressure’ or something similar. However, there is no doubt that overcoming challenges does make you a stronger person.

You are probably facing some challenges as you read this email. Work, health, relationships, mental health or your own personal goals can all be adding pressure to your day.

You are able to get through it, if you change your perception and reaction to the challenge you will overcome it, trust me.


The largest ever climate report is a waste of time


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