Live for the weekend

How was your weekend? Get up to much? Probably not, no. Maybe another walk, takeaway coffee and a home workout? Even in these restrictive times, however, we find ourselves looking forward to the weekend.

So, why is this? Why, even when we can’t meet friends, go on weekends away or even have a pint at the end of your walk, do we look forward to the weekend so much?

It’s simple, we intrinsically need something to look forward to. It’s the reason Christmas starts in October (that and the increased revenue!).

So, ask yourself this question; What are you looking forward to?

Now, we are all looking forward to lockdown being lifted and being able to get back to ‘normal’ but let’s go further than that. Let’s set you a goal to work towards from today so you’ve got purpose to your week.

I don’t mean a goal that is pre-defined by someone else, your boss, your PT or your partner. Set something that is entirely for you, something you want to achieve.

There are 3 steps to setting an effective goal, the first is to set yourself a deadline. Take some time to figure out what it is you want to achieve and then set yourself a timeframe to get it done.

This way, you really will have something to look forward to; rather than another locked-down weekend.

For me, my goal and my purpose for around 3 years now has been to reach the North Pole. Some say that being so public about a goal, especially one that for so long seemed near impossible, is foolish.

However, it holds me accountable. Every time I’m asked ‘how are the North Pole plans coming?’ it gives me motivation to work even harder to make it happen. So, I would encourage you to share your new found ambitions with someone or share your journey on social media. You will be amazed at how much harder it makes you work!

If you’ve got to the end of this weeks article and you haven’t thought about your goal, do it now!


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